2002-06-21 : Solstice Ceremony vs. Skepticism
WARNING: if one happens across this entry and they are atheist/right-wing christian or just uber-cynical, don't bother to read about the following, and anyone else that is skeptical or cruel, keep your fucking opinions to yourself about my flaky Wiccan tendencies. Only I can refer to myself as flaky. Only me.

Anyways, when I heard that my mom and her friend where doing a special Summer Solstice Ceremony (they are doing theirs today), Last night on the bus (while tryhing to recover from panic..so previous entry) I got really excited thinking that Hey, I'll do a ceremony too. So I was day dreaming about circles and sunny yellow candles and singing songs and smudging with sage. I got home and, we'll just pretend Jason didn't participate in any of this cuz he ruined the vibe for me and he obviously thought it was stupid and he said he was "skeptical" and he obviously thought it was lame and a waste of his time. We'll just pretend I did this ritual alone.

I ran a bath. To it I added salt to purify and I decided Lemons would be nifty too, cuz they are cleansing/purifying as far as the body is concerned. So i cut up lemons and the water smelled just yummy. I submerged myself in the scalding water (I love how from my bellybutton down my skin will turn just crimson and the rest of me will be pale until I keep sinking further and further in) anyways..I said a purification prayer which just mentioned that it was time for purification and letting go of past cares and doubts and hatred and just anything negative (I enjoyed watching the lemon bodies bob around in the water...very cute) and I asked that anything negative and harmful just go down the drain (see, I have my own way of polluting the water source..he he).

Then I dryed myself and got dressed in a yellow dress (to symbolize the sun, of course). I gathered my supplies (amber jewelry since its sunny), a water bottle filled with water to use as emergency fire extinguisher, a little bit of sage smudgestick, 8 yellow candles, 2 white candles and 1 green (which I didn't end up using) plus the solstice prayer I planned to read (and matches). I walked down to the park bordering the lake we live on (Bitter Lake) with he-who-shall-not-be-named. I set up a circle of the 8 yellow candles. I had us remain in the center of these candles while I smudged the four directions/elements West/Water, North/Air, East/Fire, South/Earth. Then I had us stand together each holding a white candle and I recited the solstice poem which was all about brigning light into the world and harnessing the power and warmth of the sun and promoting peace and harmony and love and all that other hippie/Wiccan shit (ok..now I'm making fun of it myself:)) and then we walked around clockwise to symbolize the movements of sun and earth (and actually the cyclical nature of human lives) and then I threw in my goofy touch by singing "here comes the sun". We sat down and I then started singing another goofy song "Let the Sun Shine In" (from that Age of Aquarius song) and then he-who-shall-not-be-named started bitching about wanting to go cuz the mosquitos were biting him (I swear he was making that up..I felt not one mosquito!) so we blew out the candles and gathere dup the stuff. It was quite nice doing it outside in a park at twilight overlooking some water and being roofed by Huge Evergreen trees. I'll just do it alone next time. Anyways, then we walked home and I didn't feel purified or cleansed or rejuvenated because I just felt like Jay being there ruined it. But, oh well. I think it was a good thing to do anyway. So, there you have it!