2002-07-04 : Flag Hysteria and Hair Coloring Party
Jay and I are having a hair coloring party. I love walking around with a bloody red/orange sticky, sopping wet head of dye. It looks like I've been in an accident with an axe. Jay is doing his burgundy (my suggestion). I'm sure his mom will have a fit. Gee, he's only 30!!! And his mom still frets about what he does with his hair!!! SHIT! I'm listening to my fave Stones record "Between the Buttons" and it is REALLY skipping!! I hate that! I'll have to buy another copy somewhere. Anyways, its flag hysteria day and its cloudy (as it always seems to be on 4th of July in the Northwest)....We aren't gonna bother seeing fireworks this year. We are going with my friend, Katie (whose bookclub I belong to)and her man to another bookclub members bbq later this afternoon. Hopefully I won't feel too uncomfortable. I hate trying to start up conversations with strangers. I usually just sit alone and talk to noone. Then I'm probably considered a snob by the strangers. Oh well...I don't really care!! Last night Jay and I went to the Tin Hat where we shared a pitcher of cheap beer and I ate one of their delicious (and slightly over-priced) burgers. We played a game of Candyland there (they have board games..the place ROCKS!) and I beat Jason! I am the Queen of Candyland..bring me a sucker! Then we started a game of SORRY! but we gave up on that cuz my food came and that game just takes too long!! I'm such a lightweight with alcohol, that after 1 1/2 glasses of beer I felt really tipsy and when we got back home here, I went directly to the couch and slept until this morning!! Stupid!! I'm addicted to taking all the diaryland surveys now..much fun!!