2002-08-02 : Sexy Serial Killers and People that Rub Me the Wrong Way
I am trying to be patient and non-judgemental today but GOD DAMNIT certain people that sit close to me at work are really BUGGING me today. There is D who does nothing but argue and be rude with insurance companies all day long on the phone. She probably thinks it will get something accomplished by being this aggressive (has she heard of the word assertive?) but trust me..when you treat people like crap, they don't wanna help you!! Duh! I just get sick of listening to her..I can't block it out and her voice raises and no wonder people are always hanging up on her. She really needs to take her job less seriously and get a hold of her anger..its just a job, not worth getting so pissed off!! Then there is C. who I have fun teasing (it goes back and forth) but our relationshiop at work is so antagonistic now that when I just ask a normal concerned question like "you sound sick are you ok" he can only give smart ass answers. Today this is getting on my nerves. I just want him to treat me like a normal human being. I see him be really sweet to other people, but to me..its always smart ass, smart comments, etc. Which is why I ignore him half the time now and don't bother to even interact...he's just so full of shit!! Luckily L at work is SO cool and we are becoming good friends. I can vent to her about these same people cuz she totally agrees with me about how irritating people at work can be. Oh, the other night I was talking to my mom on the phone and she complimented me on my answering machine message at work (I have my "work" phone voice, and then my normal voice..I try to sound very professional and nice at work on the phone)..anyways..she thinks I should possibly try doing voice-overs. I had never thought of my voice as being anything special whatsoever, but I am curious now. She knows this guy in hawaii who used to do it when he lived here in Seattle and so she's sending me his Seattle agent's phone#. I know Jay was also interested in this type of stuff, so maybe we'll both go in and be tested to see if WE HAVE WHAT IT TAKES...if I don't, I don't really care..he he. I dreamed last night that I lived in this old hotel/apartment building and next to us lived a very sexy guy (who looked like a combo of this cute guy on my bus, Rob and Johnny Depp (all 3 guys look similar)). I had a feeling there was something sinister about him, though. I saw him in the hallway one day and he told me his name was Terrence McKenna (as in the famous writer guy). In my dream I knew that there were two famous people named terrence Mckenna. One was a writer and there other was a SERIAL KILLER, so I asked him "So, are you the writer or the serial killer" and he said very creepily "Well, I'm NOT the writer." and then I became sort of frightened. Then I noticed in our apartment that there was some little space where this guy could crawl into our apartement from his and I was telling Jason he needed to fix that, but then I saw the cute serial killer coming into my apartment through the little space. He started kissing me, and I was like "You aren't gonna kill me right?" and he said he had to, but then he changed his mind and said "well, ok, maybe I don't have to kill you." So I was both attracted and terrified of him. Then I went to where Gigi worked (she lived in the same town as me!) and she acted kinda strange and I was telling her about this guy and I was also trying to decide where I could stay for awhile to avoid being in my apartment in case this guy tryed to kill me. Very strange dream. Oh, one good thing about today at work. We got incentive bonuses cuz our profit is up, blah blah..but I'm happy cuz it was almost $500.00 extra..yippee! I'm trying to save most of it! Well, TGIF!!