2002-10-03 : Butterscotch Schnapps and Stupid Dream Excuses
Don't Drink and Insult the English---------------------------------------------Um..I'm tired, but not too hungover. My apologies go out to a certain person that I might have annoyed more than amused in my drunken, obnoxious "chat"...er, sorry about that cheese slicer comment, chiv. I don't know what I was thinking (I wasn't clearly). Anyways...butterscotch schnapps with half and half is REALLY good and I shouldn't buy anymore. That is all. I had trouble sleeping all night..woke up because #1 the cats kept scratching to get in and out of the bedroom door and Jay kept opening and closing it..#2 probably the alcohol..I just don't sleep a normal, deep sleep when I get drunk. Not sure why..probably affects my REM sleep or something. I did dream though. I dreamed I was trying to call in sick to work today (cuz in reality I was probably not wanting to have to get up and go) but I could never dial the correct phone# to get a hold of my boss >and when I did catch her on the phone I ended up telling her this convincingly awful lie about "Oh Hi..I had good intentions to come to work today but you see one of my cats got hit by a car (fake crying sound from me) and I spent the entire day at the vet and thus, that is why I'm calling you at like 5 pm to tell you why I never showed up for work all day"...luckily it was just a dream. I always have dreams about calling in sick/guilty feelings about calling in sick kind of dreams.

Today on the way to work on the bus I happened to notice that someone had a very smashed up computer on their front lawn. Hmm..wonder what kind of frustration caused someone to do that kind of technological destruction? It made me laugh. It looked very out of place!!

My mommy will be visiting me in about a week for about 5 days. I am looking forward to that. I just saw her a month or so ago, but I miss her all the time.

ps..I took a sedative and I'm feeling very sleepy and retarded right now. I'd laugh at anything at this point. Anyone wanna tell me some jokes?