2002-10-16 : Ha, I got tater's password and I'm feeling kinda...
What the FUCK were you thinking giving me your password?

Do you have any idea the damage I can do before you find this entry? You are reallllly trusting. Anyway before you delete this, I submitted your banner for approval and no I did not take the writing of it into my own hands so my foul mouth does not need to be washed out with soap. OH, FUCK!!!! Just had to throw that in there so all y'all would know it was me.

Anyway, I was checking your stats, cos well I'm nosy and some of the same people read our diaries around the same time. How's that for co-ink-i-dinky?

Oh, I just wanted to let the world know that you like this:

God that is so fucking cute. I'm trying really, really hard not to put porn on your diary right now.

Over and out, good buddy. I know, I know, "Ohhhhhh, Tapppppppppy what did you do now?"