2002-11-19 : Phobias and Secret Sneakings
I have this habit that I can't break. It annoys me when I catch myself doing it and I'm SURE it annoys the fuck outta anyone else that is within earshot. Whenever I'm typing this diary or an email to somebody or a poem, etc. I whisper what I'm typing and I have no idea why I keep speaking to myself in this way. Is it some sort of strange spelling check or grammar policing I am doing to myself? I don't know.


I have a very sad friend and I need to think up a bunch of little fun crap to put in a care package to her. Hmmm....I remember my mom AND my grandma sending a box of homemade snicker doodle cookies to me when I had broken up w/"the one that got away"...they were a little dried out but still delicious. Is it just me or do I talk an awful lot about FOOD in my diary? Well, I know I'm not the only one (monsa!) Speaking of swallowing food, I was just thinking about when I had still had my pill-swallowing phobia. Up until about 4 years ago I couldn't swallow ANYTHING. I was convinced I would choke. Even the tiniest birth control pill was a constant source of anxiety and I'd chew up EVERYTHING or get it in liquid form. I remember in high school, I'd get menstrual cramps from the depths of Hades and I had really strong/make me feel like I'm floating/knock me out prescription painkiller (Anaproxin or something) and mom would crush it up on a spoon and then put honey on top so I could choke it down. It left the most awful and bitter aftertaste in my throat and it burned. God, now I can swallow big vitamins. Glad I got over that fucking phobia. Now I really should eventually try to conquer the driving phobia I have...nah. I don't think so. It would be convenient if my elevator phobia would come sneaking back into my psyche because then I'd be forced to walk up and down 12 flights of stairs at work at least twice a day and that would be some GOOD exercise!!


My favorite "secret" things to sneak and eat when I was little was: cherry sucrets (I'd eat TONS of those) and I'd gorge myself on spoonfuls of Coffeemate...yummy chemically beige powder. I still like that stuff (and the taste of aspirin, too!)