2002-11-27 : Pictures of the Past, Jay's Stupid Laundry Incident
YAWN! I'm stretching my back which is sore for an unknown reason and wiping Mr. Sandman's presents from my eyes. I happened to find 3 pictures by the computer. Guess they've been laying there for awhile. The first one: Ms. Sidwell and myself, sitting on a curb outside the apartment she shared w/J. Coffin (can't remember that street..you leave town for awhile and can't remember street names whatsoever)...circa 1993 or 1994? It is obviously a warm day. We both have summer dresses on..hers: black, mine: flowered. It is both a sensual and silly picture because our long white legs are bare and make shadows on the street, yet together we are holding a framed picture of the Flaming Heart of Jesus. I am smiling sweetly, like I know a secret and she has a come-hither and wistful look on her face. I believe the photo was taken by J. Coffin.

The 2nd photo is of me at my own birthday party, blowing out candles. I think I must be about 7? I am wearing a yellow construction paper crown by mom had made (I was thrilled about this, I remember) and on it she had written Queen. So I was Queen for one day. I am wearing one of those late 70's "Looks like something Heidi in the Alps would have worn" dresses for girls...good god, hideous. And My glasses are a butterscotch color and take up approximately 3/4th of my face. Mom looks on the background. She's got very short navy shorts on (it is the 70's after all) and a yellow, white, red and blue, vertically striped tank top on.

The 3rd picture is Thanksgiving at Grandma's, circa 1989, I believe. Grandma is closest to the picture, wearing a dowdy turquoise shirt and looking startled and pissed off at the picture-taker. I stand close behind her wearing some ridiculous white neo-Victorian poets shirt w/lace and high collar and some burgundy and black ethnic "gypsy" vest and ugly gray pants. Huge glasses still, dyed red hair, chin length, too much eye make up on and I look just absolutely pale, sickly and nearly anorexicly thin (I wasn't though) I have a startled and irritated look on my face as well and I'm carrying a plate of food.


Last night we went to eat at Wendy's and there was a armless man there who was eating expertly with his right foot. I tryed not to stare but I did get a good seat so I could sneak glances behind his back without him realizing it. I was just fascinated at his skill. A group of Mexican guys were less subtle in staring at the guy (who probably is used to it and doesn't care anyway)!!

I did laundry last night and Jay also put a load in and when I took it out to put in the dryer he had left a cassette tape in one of his pants pockets, I guess, and so there was brown audio tape noodled around EVERYTHING. I picked it out of the clothes, laughed at his pure stupidity and returned the gnarled tape to him. He didn't seem to find humour in the incident like I did. Sourpuss. He wouldn't even admit that it was really retarded of him to let a cassette tape go through the wash!!

Anyways, hope everybody has a good Turkey Day, and if you are a Jehovah's Witness...have a nice day (*barfs*)