2002-12-20 : Jay and the Chocolate Cake Incident
Oh, I almost forgot! Last night when I got home I walked into the kitchen and was opening some Xmas cards from people when Jay came walking in the kitchen and said "Oh by the way, that cake you made was really good!" and I said "what cake?" and he pointed at the ANCIENT chocolate cake I had baked at LEAST 2 weeks ago which is still sitting on the stove because I haven't bothered to throw it out yet (No, it isn't moldy so don't gimme no SHIT!) and my eyes grew HUGE and I said "Jay, you ate THAT cake?" and he said "Yea...it was great" and I laughed in horror and disgust and informed him that the cake was at least 2 weeks old, but he didn't seem to mind at all. What a trooper!