2003-01-20 : Feeling better today
Thanks to everyone that wrote in my notes or guestbook to reassure me about my last entry. I feel better today. In fact, I felt better yesterday. I was really tired and out of it when I wrote that and somewhat irrational. I"m still confused about what I want (but aren't we all sometimes?)

Yesterday I danced (which is my favorite form of exercise) to the entire Cure's "Boys Don't Cry" album and it felt good and I probably haven't listened to that silly thing since college and Jay got up and starting dancing with me, and I thought "What the hell is my problem? How could I NOT want to be married to him?" He really is great, even if I can't seem to find a sexual spark connecting us right now, at least we have all the other stuff a marriage should be about (fun, similar interests, etc.)

I really wish I didn't have to go to work today. I don't feel up to it, but I have to. Time to hop in the shower. Oh, I watched the Golden Globes last night, despite being fairly disgusted by Hollywood, I can't help myself when it comes to these ridiculous events. I know I'll watch the Academy Awards, too. The Hours really is a good movie and I highly recommend it!