2003-02-19 : I'm dying from Natural Gas (No, not my own gas!)
I woke up in the middle of the night convinced that I'm very slowly being poisoned to death by carbon monoxide from our gas oven/stove. I was talking to my brother on the phone last night and telling him that our pilot light in the our oven never stays lit once you turn off the oven after using it. Our apartment also always has a very, very faint of natural gas to me (unless I'm just imagining it!) and I must admit that I've been having problems with headaches and feeling kind of sick when I wake up in the morning, etc. I called the gas company and since I said I smell gas faintly at all times they have to come out and actually shut our gas off, and since nobody is going to be there (we are both working today), I have to call them back and schedule an appointment so somebody can look at the stove when somebody is home. I'll just have Jay figure that all out. I love cooking on gas stoves/ovens but they are potentially scary and dangerous things! I got a book on Sonic Youth that I've been reading and it's pretty interesting. I skimmed through the last half of Sonic Cool cuz it was starting to bore me a little. I'm also reading "Tara Road" by Maeve Binchy which is pleasant and easy and not all that challenging or literary, but the story is still good. I have massage today, thank god!