2003-03-01 : Baba O' Riley and "The Trip"
Despite my friend, Tappy, telling me that Beck's lastest album sucks, I checked it out from the library anyway and I'm listening to it right now. Actually, I REALLY like it. It fits my mood...early spring, the sun is goin' down (it was a GORGEOUS day outside today) and I'm feeling very MELLOW. While we ran errands today, one of the songs we listened to was Baba O'Riley (The Who)..."teenage wasteland"...that song completely reminds me of taking LSD for either the 1st or 2nd time (I can't remember which, but I know it was Summer 1987, Champaign, Illinois)..I remember when it just started to come on (it was the 2nd time..NOW I remember) on as N. and I were at Kat's house and the sun was starting to set and her parent's house had HUGE open windows and Baba O'Riley was playing on the stereo and I felt my hands and arms "melt." Anyways, certain songs seem REALLY meaningful while tripping and that one certainly did, though not necessarily in a positive way, though I remember feeling really GOOD and smiling alot while that song was on. I wonder why I'm thinking about my LSD experiences? Could it be because I watched "The Trip" last night? Pretty hokey but with some pretty good psych scenes/effects at parts and Peter Fonda's naked ass in 1967 was lookin' pretty good, I"ll admit...Dennis Hopper, he was in it too (and it was written by Mr. Jack Nicholson, though he wasn't in the movie)

This morning after baking blueberry muffins (don't get excited..it was only from a fuckin' Jiffy mix.."imitation" blueberries..even those tasted pretty good, though!) Jay and I snuggled up underneath and blankets and held hands as we watched "The Changeling"..now THAT is a GREAT and very spooky "horror" (more like ghost-story) movie from 1979 starring George C. Scott. Rent it if you've never seen it. I was actually spooking myself afterwards while taking a shower and we watched it in broad daylight..what a wimp I am! I love spooky movies, though.

Well, this entry isn't too witty I know, but I've got to start cooking the manicotti for Jill's arrival 7:30. Ciao!