2003-05-15 : Full Lunar Eclipse, Life Will Pass You By...So, Don't Let It!
The Full Moon in Scorpio occurs at 11:36 pm EDT, representing a culmination in our emotional cycle. Feelings are louder; dreams are more real. This Full Moon is also an eclipse, as the Earth passes directly between the Sun and the Moon, thus temporarily darkening the Moon�s light. Eclipses bring about sudden change. Ancients feared them. Modern astrologers watch them carefully, for they symbolize moments when�depending on our attitudes�anything can happen. Feeling emotions fully can help transformations that are necessary for survival.

By Rick Levine. Copyright 2003. Tarot.com.


Pretty right on for me right now. CHANGE. It's TOTALLY in the air. Maybe that is why I feel so strange and energized today because of the impending full moon. Don't forget...Total Lunar Eclipse tonight...sunset...8:35-8:40 PST. Hopefully it won't be so cloudy that we Seattle-ites cannot see it.

I just started "The Autumn of the Patriarch" (Gabriel Garcia Marquez)...he's is such an amazing writer. Pure poetry in prose form. The book is a little strange at first because though there is punctuation, there are NO paragraph breaks in every chapter (thank GOD it's broken up a LITTLE into different chapters)...I wish I could write this way! Here is a little sampling:


...he had seen the tuberculosis hospital, the gigantic black man with a lace blouse selling bouquets of gardenias to governors' wives on the church steps, he had seen the infernal market of Paramaribo, there gerneral, the crabs that came out of the sea and up through the toilets, climbing up onto the tables of ice cream parlors, the diamonds embedded in the teeth of black grandmothers who sold heads of Indians and ginger roots sitting on their safe buttocks under the drenching rain, he had seen the solid gold cows on Tanaguarena beach general, the blind visionary of La Guayra who charged two reals to scare off the blandishments of death with a one-string violin, he had seen Trinidad's burning August, automobiles going the wrong way, the green Hindus who shat in the middle of the street in front of their shops with genuine silkworm shirts.....


Last night while waiting for my bus after having my massage (my massage therapist told me I can pay her less per massage after I told her that Jay was moving out and I'd be broke...what a sweetie!!!) I was watching the clouds move in the grey/blue sky and it was sort of cold. The wind was blowing my hair all over my face and in my mouth and I felt inexplicably powerful and at peace. I was listening to this song by Kaleidoscope that has the lyrics "Life will pass you by....and life, will fade away....." and I thought to myself, YES! That is true and that is why I'm changing my life come October!!