2003-09-12 : R.I.P. Johnny Cash
R.I.P. Johnny Cash!! I'm not surprised because it was totally to be expected, but I didn't think he'd go THIS soon. I'm playing him right now. What WAS unexpected is that John Ritter ALSO died....some weird heart thing. So, R.I.P. John Ritter as well, even though I thought "Three's Company" was a totally stupid show (Though I liked Mr. and Mrs. Roper)

For the past 3 days I've had this really weird vertigo thing when I am laying down and roll over quickly onto my left side. The room spins at 400 miles an hour. I wonder if I have an inner ear infection or something? I have no ear pain, though. Just this weird dizziness. I don't have a doctor down here. I don't have health insurance or the $$ to go see a doctor and I guess all they can do for this is give me "anti-dizzy" pills..Luckily, I don't really have any dizziness when sitting up or walking, it's just laying down on my left side. I just don't hope it isn't a sign of an impending stroke or aneurysm or something. I don't wanna just drop DEAD cuz I failed to go to the doctor, ya know.

Let's see, I now have a Springfield library card AND an Oregon Id Card, so I guess I REALLY live here. I also have two job interviews next week! Things are progressing!!!

Oh, I got word from my friend, Laurie, that Beth (her daughter) had her baby, Alexis Eileen, on September 4. I can't wait to see pics of the baby!!

Happy Friday!