2003-10-09 : I thought the Wasabi was Guacamole!
Hmm..let's see. I got some new shoes from Payless (I can't afford anything better!) So now I have winter weather shoes that aren't boots and won't blister the balls of my feet in a most wretched way (ouch...I walked around in boots yesterday and my feet still hurt!) I had lunch with Tracy at a Japanese place on campus yesterday..I actually ate some sushi (it didn't have any fish in it, though). I forgot the green stuff was wasabi and almost spread all of it on something to eat in one bite until Tracy warned me. Wasabi is yummy. Then we went to Smith Family Books where I picked up "Red Square" by Martin Cruz Smith for Larry (he's wanted a copy) and I picked up "Beautiful Losers" by Leonard Cohen for myself. Then I met Larry at his work and we went shoe-shopping for me and then we came home and he made dinner which I didn't eat much of (that is why my stomach is growling and I"m totally starving right now)....On rare occasions, I'll try to eat something with chicken and the chicken will just TOTALLY gross me out. Most of the time, I'm fine with chicken, but every once in awhile I just can't eat it. This never happens with beef...hmmm...Anyways, I also called back the place I interviewed with last week (doing medical billing for 9 surgeons (heart and orthopedic)) and the lady told me not to give up hope..that I was still in the running, but that the process is taking longer than she thought (she got tons of resume)...she said I definetly am qualified, though, and alot of resumes she's looking through aren't, so that's a good sign..I HOPE I GET THAT JOB! I really need a job before I throw myself off a bridge (just kidding)

Well, that's about it.