2004-01-14 : Could I be Pregnant? Monday Moods and Tales from the Old Days
I really should hop in the shower and go to a coffeeshop and read my book (I'm on my 3rd Bukowski book) "Women" to get out of the house, but I honestly just feel too lazy and it's nice not to remove my pajamas! I'm calling different temp agencies again and scrounging up work (God, I fucking HATE this!) Enough about being unemployed. I'm actually still enjoying it.

Oh, yesterday I went downstairs to put some dirty dishes in the dishwasher and GUESS WHAT I FOUND IN THE DISHWASHER? Dirty ASH-TRAYS!! That totally grossed me out!! WHO the hell puts ashtrays in the dishwasher to be washed? I mean, do they need to be THAT clean?? And the thought of them being washed with only semi-dirty plates and silverware and glasses. Good God. So I took the ashtrays out and was handwashing them (which is how they should be done in the first place, jesus h. christ!) and strange roomie, Chris, comes out (See, I KNEW he'd been the one to put them in there) and he apologized for grossing me out and then tryed to tell me that from a chemical/science point of view, the ash works as a good soap. Well, that might be true and all, but I DON"T WANT DIRTY ASHTRAYS IN THE DISHWASHER! Am I being unreasonable here? Let me know!? How many of you would run sooty ashtrays through the dishwasher WITH OTHER DISHES? (For those of you that smoke or whatever!) Strange things like that make me want to live ALONE!

Today I went down and laid on Tracy and Hans' bed for awhile to keep all the downstairs kitties company and I watched the last 5 minutes of Bonanza and the first 10 minutes of Mad Max. Portia/Porsche (I don't know how Tracy smells the cats name!) was all lovey-dovey, it was sweet.

I think the St. John's Wort is slowly working, though Monday I was very weepy. I went to see "Cold Mountain" on Monday (which I enjoyed..Rene Zewellger was excellent and it was funny seeing Jack White in a movie) and I suppose the movie made me somewhat sad, and I was trying so hard not to cry on the bus (but I failed) and then when I was walking up towards the house I just felt SO sad and so I sat on my backpack (the ground was damp) in Pioneer Park (which is just down the street from my house) and listened to Grant Lee Buffalo and cryed my eyes out for a good half hour. I was perched up on a hill, sort of, and at one point I saw Larry driving down the road, and that was cool (esp. since he didn't KNOW I could see him) and I looked over and saw a faint rainbow in the sky and that made me feel a little better (but not much). Finally I went home and I was all weepy with Larry, and he took me out for a nice dinner at Poppy's (which serves Indian AND Greek food) to cheer me up and I've felt better ever since. Something weird is happening with me. I'm probably just being paranoid, but I keep wondering if I'm pregnant. My breasts are really tender and my uterus/adomen feels oddly achy and it's a little too early for PMS. I don't see how I'd be pregnant because I am perfect about taking my birth control pills, but you never know. I'd actually be happy if I were pregnant and I never thought I'd say that. So, we'll see...I doubt I am, but who knows....I also feel a little nauseauted at times but I think that is because I'm not eating enough food (and I wait until I've been up for HOURS before I have a decent meal)

I think I'm gonna go eat some soup or something with some toast.

Ps..I forgot to mention that I had interesting conversations with Larry's grandparents on Sunday when we were out there for "Sunday Dinner"....They both told stories about a friend of theirs named Don (and his 2nd wife, Glenda (or something like that) who they used to go to stock car races with in the early 1960's. They talked about how mean Glenda was to Don's children (she was their step-mother)..something about the kids getting creamed bologna on toast for dinner while Glenda and Don ate several porkchops. Well, turns out that Don's son, Kenny, murdered Don and Glenda while they were sleeping in the early 1990's. He's in prison and insists that he didn't do it. Strange story! Larry's grandpa (it's not his biological grandpa) also talked about growing up in Oklahoma and how his grandfather was a vet. He also talked about running to the storm cellar in the yard when tornadoes approached. I love hearing older people tell stories about when they were young. They always seem to say "things were so much cheaper then" and "THOSE were the days!" I hear those two sentiments ALL the time!! Now I'm thinking of Archie Bunker for some reason..."those were the days..." Man, Jean Stapleton sure had a terrible singing voice..All in the Family. When IS the last time I saw that show? It's been FOREVER!