2004-02-03 : Complaints about the illiteracy of youth, the Atkins diet and other shit, too!
Ok..this is really GROSS! Don't read ANY FURTHER if you can't stand frank discussions about bowel movements (my bowel movements)...This is just on my mind as I start this entry..I think I'm a little constipated and I don't think it ALL came out but I sure ain't gonna reach up there and find out..I just feel like I'm sitting on a hard little something..nugget. Oh my god..why am I talking about this?

Next subject. Had my first day of "phone surveying" orientation. Who would have thought there would be so much damn info to try to retain. This company is extremely picky about training (which is good, probably) and you have to read verbatim (I hope I won't sound like a robot..or that I'm reading off a script (which I will be!)) and you can only give them these certain pat answers for questions like "Why do you want my name?" "What are you trying to sell me" (nothing..honestly! We aren't selling you anything)...you can't be yourself and speak in your own language for these phone jobs and I don't know if I can do it but I'll try. During the orientation I was surrounded mostly by YOUNG kids (and I mean, a few were 17 and the other 90% were probably 22 at the very most) and I just felt like a loser being there. Alot of them are students and this is extra income for them or for some of them, it might be their very first job..so what the fuck is WRONG WITH ME? I also noticed that alot of people in this age range (17-23) have a really hard time reading outloud and pronouncing words that I find to be incredibly easy. I don't mean to sound judgemental and all that, but have never had a problem enunciating, reading out loud and the like, and I'm glad I have this skill because it seems the generation or two younger than me (and this doesn't apply to EVERYONE!) hasn't been taught SHIT in school about speaking and reading and writing, and this phone surveying company is hiring these people that can't even pronounce "insufficient" and the like in a CLASS! I'm afraid some of them are going to have a really hard time, but oh well, nothing I can do. Was that harsh? Admitting that I think MOST (once again, I am generalizing) people in their late teens and early 20's are just not very smart these days. I'm just glad I'm so fucking smart and about to start working at a phone surveying job (hear that sarcasm drip?)

PacificSource (an insurance company, one of the largest for the state of Oregon) left me a vmail today. They'd like to interview me for a claims processing job. I guess I did well on my health insurance policy/billing/medical terminology test on Friday. I really hope I can work at PacificSource..it's much more up my alley.

What else? Larry and I watched "Harvey" last night. I just love that movie. Larry laughed alot and I love his laugh, it's really cute (and I wish I could imitate it all for you here...it IS really cute, though)

I guess I don't feel as exhausted right now as I did from 3-6 (I was at the orientation from 7 am until 3 pm)...when I first got home I swear..I just wanted to curl up under the blankets and die. Too much information overload in my brain and being tired and all that..it makes me feel horrible both physically and emotionally. Maybe it was just low blood sugar. Speaking of food..I'm really FUCKING SICK OF THE ATKINS INDUCTION PHASE. Really ready to move on. We will this weekend..*sigh* we've been doing it for 3 weeks instead of two to get a little extra weight loss/bonus..but honestly the diet makes me feel like crap sometimes..like utter crap. I feel hungry all the time it seems yet I know I'm doing the diet correctly (though maybe I'm eating too FEW carbs...) Anyways, sick of talking about food, thinking about food and carbs and no carbs and blah blah..I just want some fucking pizza NOW! (and some mashed potatoes, and cherry pie and some fried rice and some homemade crusty bread..and..and...)

I'm gonna go to bed now..goodnight! Sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite!