2004-03-22 : I sound like a drag queen
My voice has been fucked up since Thursday, it kind of comes and goes. At least my throat isn't really sore anymore and I don't have other symptoms (besides being tired, but that isn't a symptom for me, that is the way I AlWAYS feel!) so my voice is deep and crackling and I think I sound like Courtney Love or a drag queen!!

Not much to say. Monday's always kind of depress me. Looking for jobs that never seem to happen for me, etc.

Yesterday I made potato salad AND oatmeal raisin cookies. I was very domestic.

I took more Nyquil at 5:30 this morning but I still woke up about every hour once 8 am hit because a house is being built directly behind us, so it was "hammer, hammer, hammer" "drill, buzzsaw, hammer, hammer" and then all the neighborhood dogs seemed to also be barking at the same time. I have the window open cuz I think the fresh, warm air will do me some good, but then all the sound comes into the room.

It looks pretty nice outside, I think I'll go for a walk to return library materials and also to go to the post office and buy a stamp so I can mail off my resume for this billing job that is in the paper.

Part of me just feels like getting back in bed, though, since I'm still "sick"..but then I would feel SOOO lazy because I've already slept alot.

I'm reading "Strip Tease" (Carl Hiaasen)..it's pretty interesting so far. He has a way of being funny and disgusting all at the same time.