2004-03-23 : House of Sand and Fog
Just got back from the mall. Went to see "House of Sand and Fog" for $1.00. It was well worth it. I would have paid full evening price for it, actually. Why didn't this movie get more accolades or press? I never heard much about it and I thought it was really well done, esp. for a book adaptation. Ben Kingsley was amazing. I know that the lady that plays his wife in the movie was nominated for an Oscar in her role, but other than that...I should read the reviews on it. I loved the book and the movie made me really upset (that's a good thing, even though it kinda sucks being depressed from a movie and then having to enter the bright and surrealistic world of the mall right afterwards)...I was a sobbing mess during the second half of the movie. If you don't feel like being disturbed and you don't feel like crying, don't rent it when it comes out on video next week.

Larry is at an interview at this place called Symantec right now. He used to work there a few years back (it's doing computer software customer service like he does now) and he got laid off (along with some other people) back then and he's been wanting to get hired back on ever since. I hope he gets the job..I'm saying a little prayer for him right now..I guess he's being interviewed by like 9 people. That would sort of intimidate me. I don't think I've ever been interviewed by more than 3 people in the room at the time (and usually only one of them really did any talking)

We watched "American Splendor" last night...good movie, though I was a little disappointed in it and I can't put my finger on why. I think it was over-hyped in the "indie" circles or something. I liked it, but it didn't leave any lasting impression on me. I thought "Crumb" was a much more interesting movie as far as related films go. Maybe Robert Crumb is more interesting in real life than Harvey Pekar, I don't know.