2004-04-19 : Blah fucking Blah
I feel kind of crappy today. I think it's mostly emotional (PMS) and the fact that "I don't like Monday's"...I'm SO glad that in 2 days I'll be starting a job. I need the distraction and routine. I'm a little nervous about starting a new job (as I always am) but mostly I'm just excited.

I really wished Larry and I lived alone. I was just thinking that today. I'm so tired of living with guys (I don't mean Larry) (mostly you know who) and now Hans' cousin, Norman, is staying here with us for a few weeks, which is fine because Norman doesn't really bug me, but in a way it's like "Fuck..now I have to deal with ANOTHER guy!?" Oh well, he's pretty quiet so I know I can handle it, plus it's only temporary. I wish Tracita would come back. Hopefully I'll meet a nice woman or two at work that I can befriend. I really need some female companionship.

I know I'm gonna wind up having a crying fit today because I feel so hormonal. I'm going to see "Mystic River" at the cheap cinema today and I'm assuming it's really damn depressing and that would be a good release for my tears and generally foul mood.

Maybe I'm just tired....I'm trying to make myself get up as early as I can so that getting up early for work won't be such a shock to my system. Today I managed to get my ass out of bed at 8 am, which is EARLY for me. Tommorrow I will try to shoot for 7:30.

I'm regretting eating toast with peanut butter, it's making me burp too much (???)

Blah, blah, blah. I think I'm tired of writing now. I'll be better tommorrow!