2004-09-17 : I love the sound cars make on wet pavement
I didn't want to wake up today because I was having this really great dream involving Johnny Depp. I met him at some restaurant in some larger city (that I didn't recognize) and it was almost like he wasn't a star or anything. We walked around for a long time, talking and it seemed like we hugged frequently and we might have even danced. We knew we couldn't become romantically involved because we were both involved with other people. I remember in my dream that he sort of looked like a pirate and sort of didn't. I think we were both dressed kind of strange. I kept thinking in my dream "Nobody is gonna BELIEVE that I befriended Johnny Depp. Wow!"


Yea, wishful thinking..hee hee!! Well, it's a rainy Friday. I'm tempted to go see a $1.00 movie (not sure I even have a dollar, but I'll have to look in my Raggedy Ann cup where I keep spare change. I also promised my roomie, Scott, that I'd go to the library with him (he hasn't gone to the Springfield library yet...amazing! He's lived in this house longer than I have!)


I love hearing the sound of cars driving on wet pavement and going through puddles. Rain can be really comforting (as long as it isn't a tropical storm, obviously!)

I love it when Opal comes up on the bed and she's been outside in the rain and her fur is a little dewy and she purrs and shoves her face into my hand and lays right next to my head and I can feel how content and happy she is just to be on the bed with me. Ok, now everybody say it "AWWWWWW!"


I don't know why I've been separating my thoughts and such with astericks in here lately. Hmmm....
