2004-12-31 : I hope 2005 is a better year for everybody!
Here's Wishing Everybody a Happy New Year (when it arrives in your area!) PLEASE BE SAFE!

I'm feeling rather somber today. I know that the Tsunami Disaster didn't happen to me, specifically, but those sorts of things eat away at me for such a long time. I'm sure many people would say "Stop watching the coverage on tv" and just stop worrying, thinking about it, but I can't do that. I feel an immense amount of sorrow for what people are going through over there. I feel an immense amount of sorrow for the pain and misery that many people are currently feeling in this country on a daily basis (homelessness, abuse, domestic violence, poverty, etc.) and so I'm not in much of a mood to celebrate tonight. The last thing I feel like doing is going to a bar and getting drunk, and watching people make asses out of themselves and then stumbling home drunk (No, we won't be driving anywhere, that's for sure)...though part of me wants to celebrate ONCE 2005 is already here because God knows I hope it's a better year than 2004, which was pretty shitty in general (with the exception of meeting Larry, who really is a wonderful man)...Ugh. Sorry to sound like such a martyr, or maybe that isn't the right word.

Last night Larry and I went out with pinkoid and her friend to 80's night at John Henry's. It was fun, despite the fact that after midnight the dj's starting appealing to the 21-24 yr old frat crowd and playing bullshit like "Pour Some Sugar on Me" and Madonna songs and even Journey for Christ's Sake. I was spoiled by the Vogue, who would never dream of playing terrible music just to get the dance floor packed. Between 9:30 and 11:00, though, John Henry's was playing more obscure stuff. There were a couple of guys dancing towards the beginning (and even once it got packed) that were fun to watch. We called one of them Jack Black, because he just reminded us of Jack Black. He was GETTIN DOWN. I'll refer to the other as Billy Idol. He was older (probably in his 40's) and had short, spiky bleached out hair and was wearing tight pants and a long trench coat with no shirt underneath, and later he took of his coat was just bare chested with a leather vest. He was really into dancing when Generation X was played and also when Billy Idol songs were played. He even seemed to dance like Billy Idol. Hilarious. Then there were what I refer to as the "Wannabe Strippers"...These girls in revealing clothes, dancing together (you could refer to them as wannabe lesbians) in a sexy way to attract attention from all the drunken meatheads on the floor. They were up on the stage, doing really traditional stripper moves and feeling themselves and each other up and not even really bothering to dance to the beat, but to rub up against each other. Obviously, they wanted to get laid, which is fine, but I didn't enjoy their little show, myself. God, I sound bitter, don't I? Sometimes I really don't understand (or can't STAND) people in general, but who am I to judge??

Geesh, someone slap some cheer onto me, would ya? Maybe I need to put my crabby ass back in bed! On a fun note, pinkoid and I were dancing fools on the floor at points and we were doing all sorts of silly and overly dramatic dance moves and at the table, we were faux rockin' out to the shitty music and clapping offbeat and acting like supreme dorks and it was a blast!