2005-05-30 : Making up, not breaking up
Happy Memorial Day! Well, I guess it's kind of silly to wish one a Happy Memorial day, being that the holiday isn't about being happy, but is instead about remembering the dead. All of my dead relatives live in Illinois so I have no graves to put flowers on, which is fine with me. So, to me this is "Happy Paid Holiday"!!

After some time apart (I spent all of Saturday and Saturday night away from him..spent the night at my friend, pinkoid's house, too, which was a blast) Larry and I are back to being a loving and goofy couple. We had a good, long, rational talk yesterday about what had happened and we both apologized and took responsibility for what we did that was so fucked up and agreed that we need to work on our relationship a bit...take each other less for granted, stop snapping at each other and generally being bitches, treat each other with more respect, etc. I'm really glad we had the talk. I hate fighting!! At least we are able to come back after the fact and have a good talk about things, though. We don't tend to really hold grudges against each other, etc, which is good.

We watched "House of Flying Daggers" last night. What a beautiful movie. It was visually stunning and I love the costumes, as well.

Back to work tommorrow (not that I mind)..right now we are going out to the grandparents to eat overly heavy food, feel bloated and watch lots of cable TV.