2006-04-20 : Playing Statue With Sarah
I poem came to me today while I was walking around. Here it is:


Do you remember playing statue?

Spinning each other on a Lincolnshire
freezing how we landed
feeling dizzy and delicious.

That was then, when we were nine or ten.

I imagine you now, in the heaven
I don't believe in. Lounging on a bed made

of soft bamboo, a mattress soft as marshmallow.

You smile, lilac sheets pulled up to your chin

staring at the ceiling in some sort of reverie.

Do the dead dream? I think you do,
movies spliced together. Slow motion slides

of you barefoot on endless blonde beaches,

you eating an entire plate of cherries
while thinking
about me.

I walk and look for you.
The shadows of trees
become your dress sleeves.
I see you spinning
in pinwheels.
Your hair is blinding white
and your eyes have turned to amethyst.

Swimming like a mermaid, your foamy hair floats

around in an unearthly light and you wave

but there is no such thing as goodbye.