2006-06-14 : I've joined a cult and taken a leave of absence from work

I signed up for this thing called Dahn Yoga. It's Korean and a lot of people say these Dahn Centers are "cults" which cracks me up because I haven't been brainwashed by them yet. I took classes from them in Seattle many years ago. I had my first class last night. It isn't really traditional yoga..It's well, I can't describe it. Some yoga, alot of slapping yourself in the abdomen (STOP LAUGHING!) which is actually really energizing and breathing exercises. The instructor is this very cute small Korean kid (he seems like a kid to me..he looks really young) and while we do stretches and stuff we are supposed to say things like "I love my body" "I love my knees"..I tried to saying that shit but I just started laughing and then everybody else started laughing. Maybe I'll be able to say it after awhile. We also have to count in Korean (I'm still trying to remember the Korean) from 1 to 10 while we are doing various things. I really HATE counting out loud. He had us take turns counting..I decided to count in German instead..everybody started laughing. I think I might continue to do that to see if everybody continues to laugh or becomes irritated. Maybe I'll actually get kicked out of a YOGA class for not following the instructions of the Master (I'll try to call him that but I think that will make me laugh, too)...He's really nice, actually so I should stop making fun. Anyways, today I am pretty sore but in a good way. It will be good to get my ass in shape. I am not the 100 pound skinny girl I was in college, that's for sure. Anyways, if you start to notice DRASTIC changes in my behavior let me know...because it will then be obvious that I actually have joined a cult!!

I have decided to take a 3 month leave of absence from work in order to help my mom deal with her cancer. She is still in the hospital. She is getting SO bored. She gets really cranky when she is bored. Reminds me of my grandmother...very feisty old woman (she died several years back). Grandma loved Guinness and her favorite swear word was "shithook"...She would always be calling people "shithooks"...Or she'd say "Poopy, shit, fart" when she'd be mad. She wasn't born in Ireland but she was very Irish anyway. Too bad she never got to go to her ancestral home. I want to one day. Anyways, goddamn I'm rambling AGAIN...Mom is going to have surgery on Friday to try to remove the tumor in her abdominal cavity and they will also try to fix the bowel obstruction that has been making her so sick...then it's new chemo drugs that hopefully WORK. Keep your fingers crossed. I'm looking forward to spending A LOT of time with mom. I always felt so bad leaving her at home alone what with her cancer AND her grieving over Sarah. I won't get paid during this 3 month leave but my job is protected (It's called OFLA..it's Oregon's state verison of FMLA.) I'm going to go over in a bit and hang out with mom in the hospital and try to entertain her the best I can. It's nice not having to get up early. I HATE getting up early. If I have my choice I like to get up between 8 and 9 am.....6 is way too fucking early.