2008-06-12 : Meow-meowsers!
I love sitting in the grass in the backyard as a breeze blows all the wild roses around on the bush in the alley way. I love watching my cats (Mouse, Opal, Aran) stalking each other in the tall grass (that I hope Larry doesn't mow for awhile!) and hopping around after bugs as if they were rabbits and not cats. They also run up towards the house at amazing speed. Though Opal is 12 years old and usually very, very slow (I should have named her Molasses), I'm glad to see that she can run with the best of 'em. The other two cats are missing out (they stayed out all night..probably at some catnip party..ha ha!) Missy is curled up on the couch upstairs and Poppy is asleep in her little kitty bed.

What the hell am I doing in here on the computer? I'm going back outside to sit in the grass and read my book.