2008-07-23 : Burping and Farting Oh My!
So, despite feeling the first twinge of "morning sickness" this morning (eating helped, of course! cottage cheese..yum!) I am doing pretty well. Larry is probably wondering how my body can produce so much GAS! Not only am I farting (ha ha) but I seem to be burping constantly and I have some bad heart burn now and there (thank god Tums are safe to take!) and the constant peeing cracks me up, oh, and I'm like "Larry..don't touch my boobs. They hurt too much!"

My blood tests from the fertility clinic came back very positively, well, positive! My HCG levels are over 2,040 (they've probably doubled by now) and so they think I may be right around 5 weeks. We have our first ultrasound next week and I am so excited as to what we'll end up seeing (I know it won't be much, but still!)

I've been reading "What to Expect When You're Expecting" and it really is the pregnancy "bible!" We bought a book for Larry so he isn't feeling left out. It's written for Expectant Fathers. I even read half of HIS book last night..ha ha!

Larry keeps obsessing over jogging strollers. He doesn't even jog, but the three-wheelers seem nice and sturdy. We were looking at one that comes with an easily detachable car seat and the price is decent. He sent the link to his mom (who is SO excited...this will be her first "biological" grand child. Larry's siblings both have adopted children. Not that it makes any difference. She loves them all!) and so maybe she'll be buying that stroller for us. I really want to go buy baby clothes, but I'm being good and waiting until I'm in my second trimester. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to go and buy ONE outfit (neutral colors like red or green), though..hee hee!!

It's really sweet. Last night when we were lying in bed, Larry put his hand on my lower abdomen and just kept it there. He didn't say anything but I wonder if he was talking to the little nibblet in his head or sending it "healthy" energy. It is the first time he's done that.

Ugh. I'll eventually have to start wearing a bra. That sucks donkey poop! I've always been so small that I've worn camisoles or tank tops, but that will change sooner than later, obviously!