2009-01-02 : My heart was a contestant in Nascar
I got a full body pillow (specifically designed for pregnant women) at Target yesterday. It is SO comfy and makes a big difference in how my legs and hips feel when I wake up (they feel fine, usually they feel really achy and sore and I keep having to switch from side to side)..well worth the nearly $50.00 the pillow cost!

I think I may be getting the cold that Larry has had for 3-4 days. My throat is pretty sore. That is usually how colds start for me. Drat. Oh well!

I went to see "Doubt" on Dec. 31st (in the afternoon) but had to leave towards the end of the movie, which was a real bummer. I've been having (off and on) these "spells"..I suddenly feel dizzy and my heart pounds and I feel really flushed and out and my hands and feet start sweating. It is probably hormonal or my panic levels are increasing the further along I get in this pregnancy, but it is a scary feeling and I'm terrified of passing out. Not that I've ever fainted in my life, but that is part of my panic disorder. Some people feel like they are dying and are terrified of that. I feel like I am going to faint and am terrified of that (after all, loss of consciousness is loss of control and sort of a "death" in it's own right, if that makes sense!)

Anyways, I tried to calm myself and watch a little more of the movie but I just couldn't concentrate and felt super on edge. So I called Larry and he came and got me and I decided I wanted to go to urgent care just to make sure everything was ok. When I was in triage (part of the check-in process) I had a slight fever (that can make your heart race) and my pulse was 130, which is pretty damn fast. Now, fast pulse rate runs in my family (on my mom's side anyway) and I naturally have a faster pulse than your average person, but not 130 beats per minute! They got me into a little room and I put on a gown and a nurse used a Doppler to listen to baby Isabella's heart beat which was nice and strong (as always) at 160. They hooked me up to a heart monitor and I layed down on the bed and just tried to relax. After awhile my heart rate was down around 100-105, which is more normal for me. The doc came in and I explained about my "spells" and he had blood drawn (I have an ugly black/purple bruise on my arm from that..I wonder why sometimes I bruise and other times I don't when having blood drawn, I think it depends on the skill of the person drawing the blood)...He also ordered an EKG (which came back normal, as did the blood work)...Everybody was super nice, which helps! I was mostly bored at this point and Larry and I were starving. At one point I asked for some water and something to snack on and they brought me graham crackers and some Christmas cookies:) Everybody kept saying "aw, congratulations" on the fact that I was pregnant and kept asking Larry if he was the "daddy" to which he always had a big grin, so they knew! After about 3 1/2 hours we were finally released to go. The doctor is ordering me a heart monitor (called an "event monitor") to wear for 2 weeks to track if I have any more of these racing heart episodes. Anyways, I'm not too concerned, it could be a variety of things causing this, but I am glad to get it checked out.

On New Year's Eve we went to dinner at Sofia's. They have German food. It really isn't very good and we won't go back. I had rouladen and Larry had goulash. Then we went home and just relaxed. Around 10 pm we went over to a friends house for a Wassail party. It was a nice, mellow evening. Most of the guys played ping pong or darts. Some of us ladies started to play Cranium. At midnight the Wassail was ready (I took just a few sips) and we had a toast and then I hugged and kissed Larry (probably how I got his cold!) and then some friends played music (guitar and flute) and we left around 12:45 or so. There were cops EVERYWHERE..Luckily Larry only had 2 beers (spaced out over 2 1/2 hours or so) so he was fine to drive.

I dreamed that I looked outside and our youngest cat, Aran, had this HUGE brightly colored snake in her mouth. I was really concerned that the snake would somehow kill her so I kept trying to get the snake out of her mouth but it kept trying to wind it's way around her body. Then the snake bit me and I wasn't sure at all whether it was poisonous or not.

I also had another dream about taking two pairs of shoes..they were black patent leather with bright kelly green trim. It is almost like I stole them but then somebody said the original owner had just disappeared and that it didn't matter if I took them.

The last dream I remember had to do with working some place and having an affair with some Japanese man..I think LSD was also involved, and my friend J. was also working at this place and we were laughing at this big bill board that had her name, job title and phone# on it.
Wow. The sun is actually out today. I should see how warm it is.

Happy New Year! Let's see how long it takes me to remember to write 2009 on checks, etc!