2009-03-20 : The baby has arrived!
Isabella is here! I started having contractions early Sat. morning (Sat., March 14) and then could tell that parts of my water had broke (no gushing or anything dramatic like in the movies!) My contractions were 10-15 mins apart for many hours on Saturday and didn't start becoming more intense until Saturday evening. The midwife and doula came over (can't remember what time...in fact, time is a blur in general)...

I remember having a lot of support here. I remember D. leaning over me when I was laboring on the toilet. I kept shouting "OPEN, OPEN"...to convince my cervix to work quicker for me (I had learned this by practicing Hypnobabies)..I tried listening to a Hypnobabies CD but couldn't concentrate at all and didn't use the program for having the baby..oh well! I think some of what I learned did help me stay a little more relaxed.

Not sure when my body was ready, but I remember the pushing stage coming on. It was so different from the dilating stage. It was nice to have longer breaks in between contractions and felt good to push...laboring in the birthing tub was nice, too and did help somewhat with pain. After pushing and pushing and pushing (it seemed like it would NEVER end) I was starting to get mentally and physically exhausted...hadn't gotten any sleep for most of the weekend and it was now Sunday morning. The decision was made to go to the hospital to see if we could get her out, cuz it just wasn't happening at home and my contractions weren't working for me. The ride to the hospital was horrifying though it was only a 7 minute ride. Having to push while riding in a car is not fun at all!

I remember being wheeled up to Labor and Delivery and there being a ton of people in the room with me..The doctor to deliver the baby, nurses, plus Larry, doula and midwife and who knows who else. I tried pushing more...I pushed for another 2 hours while in that room and the doctor was successful in using the vaccuum to get Isabella out. I remember someone telling me at one point that the head was totally out and I remember being relieved that this whole ordeal (36 hour ordeal!) was over...It was bizarre having what seemed like 10 people almost right up in my face yelling at me to hold my breath and push...several people counting to 10 (it is hard to hold your breath and push for 10 seconds at a time, I'm telling you!)

It felt so nice when the rest of her came sliding out. It didn't feel so nice having a third degree tear stitched up (that seemed like it took forever) and I was impatient for the placenta to come out (that was only one or two little pushes, though!!)

Anyways, Isabella Adele Phillips-Fay was born at 1:22 pm on Sunday, March 15, 2009. She weighed 6 lbs 7 oz. and was 20 inches long and has a full head of brown hair. She is the cutest thing ever and was very awake and alert for several hours after birth before deciding to go to sleep.

Unfortunately, she her jaundice levels got pretty high and we couldn't leave the hospital for several days. She was finally released yesterday (March 19) when her jaundice appeared to be dropping.

It is nice having her home! I can't wait to watch her grow up! I also can't wait for my body to heal. Oh my god..hemmorhoids are SO ANNOYING...in fact my nether regions feel so swollen and sensitive. It hurts to stand or sit and even lying down isn't that great! Still, it was all worth it!