2013-06-29 : Booty Shake
I bought 3 Butterfingers. I imagined somebody walking by me (at work) and thinking "Jesus, really?" I decided to buy a couple to save for next week (kind of like squirrels hiding nuts) I tried to give up sugar for a week. I felt pretty decent (though I think I had some general withdrawal-y feelings of rage and lethargy and intense cravings) but eh, I just like sugar too much. The thing is, it isn't good for my moods, and I know that, but I just can't seem to quit.

We are so broke. Larry constantly stresses about money but I just kind of am chill about it. We pay our bills, our mortgage, eat food, etc. It ALWAYS seems to work out. We never get caught in dire straits (though when we do, thank god for credit cards). We have a bunch of maxed out credit cards (and I keep paying the minimum each month and then spending it on groceries or what not..it needs to stop). I also keep buying random things off Amazon on my Amazon card. I really do have a shopping addiction, I think. Shit. We have no savings. None. He has a 401k, but I have nothing. Very poor planning, but shit happens. We have an emergency credit card that is not touched unless we have to fly somewhere for a funeral or the car dies or something along those lines. Eh fuck..why am I even talking about this?

There is this band from San Diego, Mrs Magician, that Bella has completely fallen in love with (I like them too, I introduced them to her after all)..They have a song called "There is no God" and it is really catchy (almost in a Beach Boys way, which is strange, because I hate the Beach Boys, but these guys are awesome). She wants that song played 10 times in a row every single day. She runs around the room to it, holding a toy pony in each hand or a stuffed animal. She just LOVES running. We will listen to live music outside or something and other kids will try to get her to dance but she just wants to run in circles at break neck speed. Maybe she'll be a cross country runner when she is older.

Anyways, I captured her on video yesterday, doing what she calls her "booty shake" (looks like a stripper grinding on the floor). It then morphed into an Axl Rose move.