2013-11-20 : Dr. Pepper Adventure..
I used to love eating a Snickers bar and drinking Dr Pepper while in college. That burst of caffeine and sugar was very helpful.

Once I started having panic attacks (20 years ago, nearly) I have stayed as much away from caffeine as possible. I have the rare Coke here and there (once or twice a year), more frequently, hot chocolate, and a candy bar a few times per month.

I had this nostalgic memory today of having Dr Pepper flavored/scented Bonnie Bell lip smacker.

Today (though the nervous part of me was shouting "Don't do this.") I just drank 10 oz of Dr Pepper (I bought a 20 oz bottle and just threw it away, only half empty). I just decided that drinking it at 6:30 at night was a bad idea, and that it was a stupid idea from a panic disorder viewpoint.

I feel energetic and slightly nervous but nothing major. I still LOVE the taste of it, though. I hadn't tasted that in years and years. I will probably go another 20 years before having any.

Monday is the 8th anniversary of the murder of Sarah. That is crazy to think about.

My family are coming from Colorado and Illinois over the weekend and next week to visit for Thanksgiving. I am excited about this. I wish I didn't have to deep clean my house, though (or feel like I needed to do this).

WHY can't I write the way I used to? I read back through my entries from 10 years ago and it was interesting stuff, and now it just isn't.