2002-06-28 : DJ FAY visualizes Lard
Full of grace..full of grace. I'm laughing thinking about "full of grace" and that John Water's movie Pecker..I'm high on cherry chocolate right now. I shoul;dn't be eating chocolate cuz it makes me anxious, but to hell with it all!! It's friday and my special sexy Anniversary weekend is just around the corner. I'm going walk around in my black slip, drinking Bailey's from the bottle looking for ghosts at the Palace Hotel. Hopefully Jason will go ghost-hunting with me, or I"ll be too scaredy-cat!! I had fun last night. I actually went home and had alot of fun, which is rare. We ate spaghetti and I drank enough red wine to get pretty tipsy (which is rare for me..I rarely drink and I almost never get drunkish) but red wine is a weakness..I love the stuff. I love how it tints your teeth and tongue purple. It has a different buzz than beer...though it makes me sleepy after I go through my initial crazy dorky wine high. I decided to play blindfolded DJ. I closed my eyes and randomly selected the 3rd song (every time..3 is my favorite number) off of the 1st or second side of the randomly picked record. Most choices turned out to be good, which was unusual since we have alot of cheesy records sitting around (such as the 4-5 Bay City Rollers records that Jay bought me). So, I danced around, acting silly and flushed with wine. It was beautiful. Then I got tired and went to sleep. I drank alot of water and I'm pleased to announce that I woke up with not a trace of a hangover (and I know wine hangovers are the WORST!) On the way to work today, while sitting on the bus, I saw the greatest/most inane bumper sticker "Visualize Lard." I laughed my flabby white butt off!!