2002-09-26 : Cottage Cheese an Anil's Ghost
Cottage Cheese


Does anyone eat salt and pepper on their cottage cheese, besides me? Does anyone besides me even EAT cottage cheese? I go through strange periods of time where I crave cottage cheese. Must be a lack of calcium or something. I'm currently reading "Anil's Ghost" by Michael Ondaatje. He is the same guy that wrote "The English Patient." I never read that but I did see the movie version. Ralph Fiennes. *Sighs with lust* beautiful eyes and facial structure. Anyways, "Anil's Ghost" really makes me want to become an archaeologist or a forensic pathologist. I know I could never realistically do either, though. Too much sun, heat and grueling physical labor for a few measly bones (I can barely walk up a flight of steps without being tired..ok, that is a SLIGHT exaggeration!) Anyways...here is a part I like from the book.

"When Gamini finished surgery in the middle of the night, he walked through the compound into the east buildings, where the sick children were. The mothers were always there. Sitting on stools, they rested their upper torso and head on their child's bed and slept holding the small hands. There were not too many fathers around then. He watched the children, who were unaware of their parents' arms. Fifty yards away in Emergency he had heard grown men scream for their mothers as they were dying. 'Wait for me!' 'I know you are here!' THis was when he stopped believing in man's rule on earth....One was no worse and no better than the enemy. He believed only in the mothers sleeping against their children, the great sexuality of spirit in them, the sexuality of care, so the children would be confident and safe during the night."


I just really like that. It is very comforting.