2002-09-30 : Mr T. says BE SOMEBODY!!
I just got one thing to say. Mr T. says "BE SOMEBODY!"

Jay picked up 10 videos at Albertsons for $3.00 each (they are trying to sell off their stock)..the best video being Mr T.'s "Be Somebody"...you KNOW it surpasses the other videos we got: Drugstore Cowboy, Full Metal Jacket, Joe Vs. The Volcano, Nightmare on Elm Street (1st and 2nd ones), Pele the Conqueror, Stir of Echoes..and I can't remember what else. Ok, so the Mr. T video was ridiculously bad, but we couldn't stop laughing. It is comedic genius (unintentionally). New Edition was on the video and they sang a song about "Peer Pressure"...Mr T. even smeared potato salad on his face to demonstrate a point about not letting your anger control you. VERY INSPIRATIONAL..ha ha ha. If anyone wants a copy taped for them, I'd be glad to. It's not every day that you get offered a copy of Mr T.'s "Be Somebody!"..but I'm a nice girl!