2002-12-31 : I'm Gilbert Grape!

You Are Gilbert From "What's Eating Gilbert Grape?"

You are very giving and self-sacrificing. You're always there to lend a helping hand to family and friends. However, this generous nature often robs you of fulfilling your needs and desires, and may cause you to become resentful. Find a way to balance your kindness with your independence.

Take The Johnny Depp Quiz!

--Thank God I wasn't 21 Jump Street. Oh Johnny...anybody see him on "Inside The Actor's Studio" (James Lipton is so creepy..really, he is..isn't he?) a couple nights ago? I swooned and I laughed alot. Johnny seems like a guy you'd like to go have a beer with. I can think of other things I would do after that beer, but I won't get into that. My ex-husband resembles him. Drives me crazy. I just tell myself "Remember..he's a drunk psycho"...he he. This is my Teeny-Bop entry, by the way!