2003-03-05 : I feel like crap and I wish people wouldn't have loud scolding sessions with their children at work!
Argh...I feel really stricken with sadness and anxiety right now. I havent' been able to concentrate on work at all today. In fact, I think I've only done about 2 hours or less of work..I'm not proud of this, but I just can't DO THIS SHIT TODAY! I should never have started dwelling on that rabbit torture thing, cuz most of my time today has been spent looking at sights talking about animal cruelty, what many Asian countries still do to cats and dogs (even though it's illegal) (with some VERY tear-inducing pictures to send the points home, mind you)...God, I torture myself with this shit sometimes and I don't know why. I should stay away from stuff that disturbs me or makes me feel so sad and hopeless but I just keep looking and reading..it's like an addiction.

Then to top things off, I hate hearing the lady in front of me (esp. cuz I LIKE her) yelling at her kids on the phone at work about "do this, do your homework, blah blah"...her tone is so nasty..I know she trys to be a good mom, but she should take these conversations into the PRIVATE phone booths we have at work if she is gonna scold her children. It just really bugs me. I would never sit at my desk and fight w/Jay or somebody else loud enough for the whole row to hear. I'm just really sad and irritable and shitty and I only have 5 minutes left of work, AMEN!!!