2003-05-26 : I want to make out in a dark park!!
This is what I want, be it romance, infatuation, lust, fucking or whatever word you want to label it with.

I want to make out in a dark park (like when I was 16) when it's slightly chilly. I want my back to be on the dewy pre-dawn grass, my clothes getting wet and shivery and kissing and kissing and sweating and shivering still.

I want someone to treat me like a queen. I want unexpected bouquets of flowers or even just a simple slice of pie that they picked out for me as an after thought. I want nice dinners (I'm not saying the guy has to pay for everything)...I want lots of candlelight. I want camping trips and sweaty sex in a sleeping bag. I want to hold hands as I heave and huff my way up a steep trail.

I want somebody to want me so bad that they've already started unbuttoning and unzipping me before I've finished unlocking the door. I want to want them so badly that I'm willing to just let their fingers and mouth crawl all over and inside me, even in inappropriate places like restaurants and bars and the zoo (well, not in front of the kiddies)...I just want PASSION..Non-stop passion, even if it only lasts for a month. That's what I want.

Haa..I swear that reading this book "The Botany of desire" has made me feel very sexy and in need of some sexy sexy man.