2003-08-24 : Goodbye Wesley Willis!!
Damn....(Go back and read the LAST entry)..this is a little side note: R.I.P. Wesley Willis. Tracy and Hans told me yesterday morning that he had died. We played one of his Cd's to honor him. See ya on the "Joy Bus" in the sky, big guy! I have some stories about when he used to call me and ask for Dave Grohl's phone# (he assumed that because I lived in Seattle that I knew Dave Grohl...I still don't know why I actually gave Wesley Willis my phone#..I never thought he'd call)..but anyways..I'll never forget going to the Blind Pig in Champaign, Illinois in ?? 1995 and going with Tracita, Simone, Nestra and Rob and god knows who else and seeing Wesley Willis (and backing his up: The Fiasco!)....It was a spectacle!