2004-03-24 : Ron in Afghanistan, memories of my first true love
My life is DULLSVILLE compared to my friend Ron's life. But I wouldn't want to have the exciting (and dangerous) job of being a journalist for Radio Free Europe, in all honesty. I guess I like my life being mundane..his is a little TOO filled with possible thrills, chills, and death (though he gets to travel alot!) I email him every couple months or so. Here is the latest response that I got back from him:


hey there, never heard of that cat. yeah, I'm still in Afghanistan. Got another

week here. It's developed a lot... but still a lot of problems. Another minister

just got killed and he was the son of a ruthless warlord who controls most of

the west of the country, so troops from the central government's defense

ministry were fighting a battle against the warlord.... and the warlord won...

overrunning the barracks of the defense ministry troops and chasing the defense

ministry general into the mountains with about 300 of his guys.

Imagine a mafia group in chicago with its own pinkerton-type private security

force attacking a compound of the national guard, and then the mafia wins and

chases the national guard to tennessee. weird.

well, gotta run. lot of work to do and tight deadlines. Hang in there... yer

friend, ron


hmmm...glad I'm not in Afghanistan covering news stories right now, but hey, I know that Ron loves it. He's always been incredibly ambitious. Something that I am decidedly not. I am the living embodiment of "LAZY"..I swear! It's strange to think about when I was Ron's girlfriend back from 1988-1990 (or was it 1991? I can't remember now)....He was finishing up his Master's Degree in Journalism while I was getting my B.A. in English in Carbondale, IL (one of the nicest places to be during the Spring and Summer, by the way!) I remember him telling me early on that he'd never marry me unless I had a decent job and made at least $30,000 per year (kind of a bizarre thing to say to a 19 year old, don't you think?) Then again, he was 26. Once he got his degree and moved to Evansville (Indiana) he proposed (I was only 20) I kind of knew I'd never marry him. We were only engaged for 2 days or a week at the most. When he mentioned getting me a ring, I just said "I can't do this..I'm too young." Besides, he was my first "real" boyfriend and I thought maybe I needed to experience what it was like to be with other men before I settled down and married. At one point I thought we were soul-mates but I don't think I believe in soul-mates anymore. I've changed alot since I was with him, but I still wonder what my life would be like now if I had married him. Sometimes I view him as "the one who got away" but I'm so completely happy with Larry that I don't think those thoughts so much these days.