2004-04-24 : Honesty, Vomiting and other exciting details
It's much more chilly inside the house than outside. It's really nice and sunny and I almost dozed off sitting in the rocking chair on the back deck, rocking myself in the sun.

I'm still reading "Cane River" by Lalita Tademy. It's a good read. It's also a sad read since it's about slavery and slave families being sold and separated from each other, etc.

The "shitty bar" was pretty fun last night. Somebody had added a Misfits Comp Cd to the jukebox so I amused my old "high school" self by playing "We are 138" and "Attitude"...I was REALLY hyper last night and I'm not sure why. I ended up drinking too much, too fast, and smoking too many cigarettes (and I haven't smoked in many, many weeks) but I don't feel too bad today....I made myself get sick before I went to sleep (I know..kinda gross, huh?) because that is just something I have to do when I can tell I'm too drunk. It really prevents a nasty hangover the next day, though.

When we were at the "shitty" bar our roomie, Chris, came in (the one I'm always complaining about because he can be really irritating)..I'm actually really glad he came in and the drunker I got the more I honest I started getting with him and it's such a RELIEF because I told him (in a tactful and polite way) that I've had problems living with him and I wanted to get it off my chest and I don't know him well enough to know if I can just say "Chris, I can't listen to your babbling right now." I even admitted to him that at points I had wanted to move out because of having to interact with his manic self. I felt kind of bad for being brutally honest and in fact I started crying because I felt like I was a judgemental bitch, but he was very cool about it and was glad I told him everything and he didn't seem offended by my criticisms. I think I'm going to have a much easier time living with/dealing with him now. I think it also helps that I now am not home all day because of my job so I don't have to see him as much, therefore, I think I'll have alot more patience with the sort of person he is when I do see him.

Larry has been mowing the backyard and now he is trimming the hedges. I was watching him mow the lawn and I thought he looked really sexy, which seems stupid, but he did. Maybe it's because he was all sweaty and "manly" looking and it turned me on. I can't believe I just typed that..retarded (but true!)

I made apple almond coffee cake for breakfast and Larry made fried potatoes..it was yummy. Right now a corned beef is cooking in the crock pot and we'll have cabbage with that. Sometimes I think I talk about food entirely too much.

Well, that's about all. Happy Saturday! Oh, my cousin, Mason, and his wife, Cheryl, had a baby on April 10th and I got a picture of her today in the mail. Her name is Mercedes. I hoped they named her after my grandma's sister and not the CAR!!