2004-08-09 : What should I be when I grow the fuck up?
Hmmm...this seems sort of fitting. I love taking personality tests!

Introverted (I) 58.33% Extroverted (E) 41.67%
Realistic (S) 54.05% Imaginative (N) 45.95%
Emotional (F) 67.74% Intellectual (T) 32.26%
Organized (J) 57.58% Easygoing (P) 42.42%
Your type is: ISFJ
You are a Guardian, possible professions include - counseling, ministry, library work, nursing , secretarial, curators, bookkeepers, dental hygienists, computer operator, personnel administrator, paralegal, real estate agent, artist, interior decorator, retail owner, musician, elementary school teacher, physical therapist, nurse, social worker, personnel counselor, alcohol/drug counselor.
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