2004-10-06 : Mick Collins, Garden State, Orange Wigs and a Counselor
I'm listening to Blacktop. I like Blacktop, but Mick Collins voice appeals to me the MOST in The Dirtbombs. I can't remember what The Gories sound like, but I recall liking that as well. I just think that he uses his soulful voice to the most advantage in The Dirtbombs, though I appreciate the more sparse, garagey (and less soul-induced) sound of his other bands.

I'm feeling really good today, despite the rainy weather. I can feel my period coming on and I think that is soothing my hormones out to a degree.

Yesterday it was perfect Autumn day. I went to Valley River Center (the sort of mall that likes to induce near panic-attacks in me....too much sensory overload in that mall. I was in search of orange fishnets and an orange wig to complete my Halloween costume. Never found the appropriate tights but decided I already have a pair of over-the-knee stockings that will do just fine. I DID find a kick-ass orange wig. It's just like the pink wig (bob with bangs) that Scarlett J. wears in Lost in Translation, only mine is electric orange. Larry tryed it on last night and he looked so funny. He's going in drag again, as a slutty school girl. I've got the short, pleated plaid skirt for him to wear and possibly the blonde wig (if I can find it) he just needs a white dress shirt (which he has) and some red or white keds that are in his size..hee hee. He looks so goofy in drag cuz of his big ass sideburns!!

I went to see "Garden State" at the theater near Valley River Center. Before the movie I enjoyed walking through piles of crunchy leaves. That dry, sweet smell they give off. It's like an intoxicant for me. This is why I love Autumn so much. I really liked "Garden State"...it was all really subtle for the most part and I found it really moving and really funny. There were only 4 of us in the theater. There was TONS of subtle humor in there that I kept laughing out loud at. I was the only one laughing and that made me a little self-conscious, but mostly I felt like I was watching the movie with a bunch of zombies. Maybe they didn't find it a funny movie. Maybe they prefer Jim Carrey style slap-stick humor. I certainly don't.

I have my first counseling session tommorrow. It's for FREE! My sessions after that (unless I get a job) will only be $10.00 per session. I think this will help alot. I know I should probably go to a MD but in all honesty, all they will do is try to prescribe me some shitty anti-depressant (which I may or may not need..I haven't decided) and I don't feel like dealing with the doctor. I am going to get some 5-HTP and see if that improves things. If between the counseling and trying another natural anti-depressant, I continue to have these episodes of hysteria, THEN I will go to the doctor. Maybe this seems stupid to some people, but eh...it's my choice and I've made it.

Cost Plus World Market (I LOVE that store) is currently hiring, so I applied. I hope I get hired on there..esp. for the discounts on all that cool STUFF!!!

Oh man, it feels so GOOD to feel back to normal again! Actually, I feel slightly better than normal!