2004-11-03 : Running Away Isn't the Solution but it sounds like a damn good plan!!
I knew he'd win. I've known it all along. An feeling of dread in my bones that I couldn't ignore. So, I never had ANY hope last night while watching the Media Circus and I feel the same this morning as I did yesterday morning because I'd already prepared myself for another 4 years of complete and utter disaster. I can't believe The Gay Marriage Amendment to the Constitution passed in Oregon. I thought we were a little more open-minded than that. I guess not. I know running away isn't the answer but the guestroom in Tracy and Han's house in Eastermar (The Netherlands) sounds like a really good option right now. I'd also have constant access to curry ketchup!! *sigh*....Oh well, that's enough of that. I'm too crampy and tired to protest in the streets.

I'm going to write more of my "novel" now. Then I'm gonna take a hot bath, eat something unhealthy for lunch and go shelve books at the library, because that IS someplace that I can personally help by volunteering.