2004-11-19 : I wanted to be a saint, but....
Ok, feeling a bit calmer and better now. Thanks pals! I stole this survey from darrylzero (off LiveJournal):

1. On average what time do you get up?
Somewhere between 8 and 8:30 am PST

2. If you could eat lunch with one person, who would it be?
Right now it'd be my mom. I really miss her. I wouldn't mind having lunch with the Dalai Lama though..I bet he'd make me smile and laugh!

3. Gold or silver?
Silver. I can't stand gold.

4. What was the last film you saw at the cinema?
Alfie, which was mediocre. Before that it was "I Heart Huckabees" which I ADORED! Go see it!

5. What is your favourite TV show?
I have several faves. On Sundays: American Dreams and Cold Case, On Tuesdays: NCIS, On Wednesdays: Lost, on Thursdays: Life as we know it, nothing on friday's, sometimes GlobeTrekker on Saturdays...If I had cable I'd watch more animal cops and COPS cuz I think Cops is funny. I also like antiques roadshow.
I think I watch too much TV!

6. What did you have for breakfast?
Well, I had a tiger milk protein bar and then I had just a pesto bagel, I just chewed it like bread and I'm drinking chamomile tea.

7. What is your middle name?

8. Beach, City or Country?
I prefer City, but the great thing about places like Portland, Seattle (and even Eugene to a degree) is that you can have all three (plus mountains!)

9. Favourite ice cream?
Butter Pecan or something with Toffee in it. If at Baskin Robbins, though, I always either get Daquiri Ice or Jamocha...been doing that since I was a kid.

10. Butter, plain or salted popcorn?
Caramel. Mmm..yea, CARAMEL!

11. Favorite Color?


12. What kind of car do you drive?
I don't drive..haven't for more than 10 years and I'm proud of that.

13. Favourite sandwich?
Salami and Swiss or Dill Havarti on Rye with tons of really good german mustard..I also love Pastrami..I love Ruben's, I love BLT's.....I must have been Jewish in a past life! The sandwich that makes me want to WRETCH is tuna fish or egg salad or chicken salad..ick!

14. What characteristics do you despise?
People that talk too much and have no listening skills in return. Blatant sexism..racism...homophobia. Ignorance in all it's forms (unless it's innocent and unintentional)

15. Favourite flower?
Red tulips! Fields and fields of them!

16. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go?
Right now I would go to Eastermar, Netherlands to visit my best buddies...

17. What colour is your bathroom?
such a light blue it looks white

18. Favourite brand of clothing?
I don't like brands, unless they are brands from old, vintage clothing such as "Debbie Leigh" or "JcPenney's Permament Press" men's shirts from the 60s.

19. Where would you retire to?
I need to visit Europe and all that it has to offer before I could make that decision. If I were to stay in the US..I'd retire in either Oregon or Washington....Seattle, perhaps.

20. Favourite day of the week?

21. What did you do for your last birthday?
Went to the bank to deposit birthday money I'd received from relatives..took some of that out. Took myself to lunch at a little cafe nearby. Then I went to two antique stores and bought myself some cheap vintage clothing (and a Victorian nightgown which is really cool) and then I met Larry in downtown Eugene and he bought me dinner at Poppy's, which serves Greek and Indian food and I can't remember what he gave me for my birthday...I think it was a Tibetan singing bowl and a gift certificate to House of Records for some music.

22. Where were you born?
Oak Park, IL (Can't recall name of hospital right off of my head)

23. Favourite sport to watch?
I don't like watching any sports. NONE. NADA.

24. What fabric detergent do you use?
Whatever is downstairs that somebody bought. I am not picky at all. Tracy and Hans turned us on to this GREAT smelling Dutch laundry detergent called Black Velvet, though...but we need them to ship more over here!

25. Coke or Pepsi?
I prefer Coke, but I rarely drink pop. If I do drink pop I prefer Root beer or grape pop.

26. Are you a morning person or a night owl?
Kind of in-between....I don't like to get up very early, but I have a hard time staying up REAL late. I'm more of a night-owl than a morning person, though.

8 or 8 1/2, depends on shoe.

28. Do you have any pets?

Larry and I have an aquarium with some cool fish in it. I named them once, but I've forgotten all their names. I think my one remaining green barb is named either Sylvia (Plath) or Anne (Sexton) and my 1 remaining cherry barb is named Rhett (Butler)..ha ha..I'm a dork!

29. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with your family?
I have completed 41,000 out of 50,000 words required for me to finish the www.nanowrimo.com novel writing project..I kick some writin' ASS! I'm not so sure the quality is as good as the quantity, though! By the way, I wrote that (69 pages) in only two weeks...OH YEA..GOO ME!

30. What did you want to be when you were little?
Ok, first I wanted to be a nun, but then I wanted to be a saint (!! I had a weird 1 month religious phase when I was about 11!) and then I wanted to be a ballet dancer and then I wanted to be a speech pathologist and then I wanted to be a vet (cats only) and now I might like to be a creative writing teacher at a university OR maybe a counselor specializing in panic disorder (the blind leading the blind..ha ha!)