2005-08-01 : White Trash Neighbor 2: I'm gonna KEEL you and your kitties, too!!
One of my roomies, Scott (who lives in the basement apt. of this house) and I went out to lunch. As I consumed my salad and reuben I told him the lastest installment of "As the White Trash Neighbor Turns" in which my other roomie said something to WTN (White Trash Neighbor) about how he needs to really do something about his rooster and how the WTN replied in typical "mumble, mumble, mumble" fashion and how roomie then said "You realize, I am talking to YOU, there isn't anybody else standing around but the two of us" and how the WTN went "mumble, mumble" and how roomie said "Fine. I've had enough of this. I'm filing a complaint with animal control" and proceeded to call animal control AND the police right in front of WTN. Then roomie got in his truck to go to work and WTN came over and stood in front of my roomie's truck door in an intimidating way and while shaking with what I can only guess as rage and said the following to my roomie: "Fine. If it's going to be that way, then I'm going to go get some of those box traps and some cans of tuna and the next time I catch one of those cats in backyard, I'm going to take them and set them loose in the woods" and which my roomie said that was uncalled for and totally inappropriate and called the cops back again to say that WTN had just intimidated him and threatened the well-being of the pets of this household (MY FUCKING CATS!)...Roomie then called me to relate the story and I called animal control again about the Rooster and also told about the threats against my cats (who I don'think have EVER stepped a paw in his fucking back yard) and then we finished with lunch and saw a large cloud mushrooming in the sky and we went on a mini fire chase out in the country but never really could figure out where the fire was coming from. It was probably a forest or field fire. It's been so hot and dry here! Anyways, I hope WTN is all talk and no walk. Scary motherfucker!