2005-12-12 : Josiah Darcy Fay is born!
Josiah Darcy Fay was born this morning at 10:50 am (Hawaii time) weighing in at 3 pounds 5 ounces and an astonshingly LONG length of 16 1/2 inches. He is gonna grow up to be one tall man!! He is very pink, with a round face and dark hair. My mother and brother were in the delivery room for the C-section and my mother helped trim/cut the cord. My brother held Josiah and said that Joe squeezed his finger. It's all very sweet. He's breathing very well on his own and came out crying and kicking, which is a good sign. His lungs seem to be working just fine. His head is 11 1/2 inches around and his chest is 10 inches. I don't know much more than this, but I feel very joyful at this moment. The two donors waiting for my sister's kidneys and liver are in the hospital being prepped to receive her gifts to them as we speak. For a temporary moment in time, all this joy is replacing the sadness over the loss of my sister. I can't wait to see pictures of Josiah (his middle name is the first name of the Good Samaritan that gave my sister CPR until paramedics arrived)

Life is so bittersweet!