2006-04-17 : Loose Women and Dandelion Sniffers
I haven't done a stream-of-consciousness entry for ages. So here it goes. Maybe it can boost my creativity:
Red roosters pecking at rotten apples, Christmas trees discarded in the yard, violets staining the kitchen table as they wither. I'm thinking about black licorice whips and I'm thinking about really straight teeth. Louise Brooks, smiling. Hippies dancing in that strange way they do, seizure-like. Come on over and clean my kitchen, please. god, this is REALLY LOOSE. So I'm thinking about loose women. There is a short on On-Demand entitled "Slut" and it's about the origins and implications of the usage of that word. I think it is a 40 minute film. I'm thinking of Bettie Page. I'm wondering whether the film about her will be "shallow" as the Wall Street Journal reviewed, but what the hell does the Wall Street Journal know..ultra-conservative capitalists. I'm thinking about how I own stock and nothing nothing about it and don't care to know. The only kind of stock I know about is soup stock. Chicken. Beef Burgundy. SWITCH, SWITCH, SWITCH. Let me clear my mind and close my eyes and start again.
A green field. My sister stands in the middle. She is tearing the heads off of dandelions. Which brings me to a REAL memory of Sarah. She was in the newspaper when she was a little girl. She must have been about five. A camera crew was in our neighborhood (God knows for what) and they saw my sister lying on her stomach in the front yard, her little pebble nose all scrunched up as she sniffed the dandelions. So, they took her picture with my mother's permission but I don't remember what the quote said.
Who hasn't made a buttermilky bruise on their inner wrist by rubbing the dandelion yellow head over their quick pulse.