2008-12-16 : Stretching Skin and Dirty House
I have this strange pain on my upper right abdomen (almost underneath my right breast) that has me a little concerned. It sort of stings and burns and is more of an achy pain..it isn't a sharp pain. It is almost like it is slightly bruised right underneath the skin. If I press down very lightly it is tender..if I press down with pressure it doesn't hurt at all. It is PROBABLY my skin stretching to accommodate my growing belly, but I thought I'd put a call into the doctor anyway. I know that pain under your right breast can sometimes indicate liver or gallbladder problems. Hopefully it is nothing.

In other news, it snowed very early yesterday morning and hasn't snowed since. It also hasn't gotten much over freezing, temperature wise, and things are icy and slippery. We need to go get groceries but don't want to try to drive down our street (we live at the top of a hill)...We have plenty of food (we won't starve) but I am running out of things. It is supposed to snow more later this week. Growing up in the Midwest, I got SO SICK of snow every winter (and freezing cold temps) but now that I've lived on the West Coast for 14 years (and we don't get tons of snow in Washington or Oregon unless you count the mountains) I feel so happy when it DOES snow (it never snows TONS..just a little)..I actually drank hot chocolate with marshmallows in it today. It felt very nostalgic.

I just watched a short documentary on Nick Drake. It was interesting, if nothing else, it was nice to hear his music as I haven't listened to him for awhile. Very depressed person, that's for sure. His music is beautiful and melancholy, which makes sense. It seems to fit with Autumn and Winter.

Our house is an absolute disaster. Larry (with help from his friends) has really started tearing stuff apart. The baby's room is down to bare wood walls and no carpeting. The living room still looks like a shack (he is putting new insulation in)..He also has to do some rewiring, etc. The kitchen floor looks grey..no longer white. Normally I would mop the floor but everybody tracks dirt all over it every weekend so I don't see the point..it will stay dirty until? Until Larry mops it..that's when:)

Not much else going on. Starting to get Xmas cards in the mail, which is always nice. I sent my big batch out today. I haven't decorated anything this year because we have nowhere to put a tree..therefore it doesn't really feel like the Xmas season to me at all. We did watch a Charlie Brown Christmas Special last night. I love Snoopy's laugh. The Peanuts are awesome!