2016-02-28 : Sri Lankan curry, San Diego, and Bella cartoons
The house smells heavenly. Larry is making a Sri Lankan beef curry. It smells like cardamom and fenugreek and coriander and cumin and turmeric.

I'm nursing a cold. We are a Petri dish house. We circulate the germs and viruses that Isabella brings home from 1st grade.

We are going to San Diego for Spring Break ( driving down there) and we've rented a house with brother and his family. It's a block from the beach. I'm super excited and can't wait for the next two weeks or so to pass.

Isabella turns 7 on March 15. She keeps showing me on all the Littlest Pet Shop Toys she wants on the IPad. She loves drawing animals living their lives. She draws cute cartoons. She's reading, though not very enthusiastically at all. She prefers almost Anything to reading. I think she gets frustrated easily.

Not much else going on, really.