2005-03-29 : Ginger Beer and Hail
I'm drinking ginger beer (which I don't like with ice, I've discovered..it waters it down completely) and listening to hail flit at the windows and tink on the roof and finishing up re-reading "And I Don't Want To Live This Life" because it's amusing and depressing and it seemed to me like an appropriate thing to read after "Please Kill Me" since people complain in that book about how skanky and loud Nancy Spungeon was (though some people actually admitted that they liked something about her)

Larry is finally over the hump of his sickness though I convinced him not to go to work today since he still had a slight fever this morning when he woke up. He should be feeling 77% normal tommorrow when he goes back to work. I didn't mind nursing him and waiting on him hand and foot, but I'm glad that he can sort of take care of himself again. I don't like running up and down our bedroom stairs over and over again to get him stuff. God, maybe I'll make a terrible mom if I ever have kids. Who knows.

I really haven't been able to think of anything interesting to write lately. Maybe I'll just take a break from this for awhile!