2007-01-10 : Teeth
I'm going to the dentist today. I haven't been for 3 years, because when I HAD dental insurance while working at Symantec I just kept putting it off because I was focused on dealing with Sarah's death and mom's illness. Then I quit Symantec when mom died (or shortly before) and didn't have dental, but Larry has me on his insurance (Symantec is very cool in that they allow domestic partners (unmarried) to be on the employee's health insurance) and added dental for me and I figure I might as well get my teeth cleaned before I go off to Europe. I want to impress all of the French, Italian, Dutch and Czech people (that smoke like chimneys..ha ha!) with my bright white "Pearl Drops" smile. Remember that commercial for "Pearl Drops"? It was so blatantly sexual and so creepy with her running her tongue over her teeth.

For all of you doing the apple cider vinegar thingie..I don't know if this is true or not but they say it might slowly wear the enamel off of your teeth so make sure to brush right after you drink the stuff in water or juice or what have you. I guess the dentist today can tell me whether or not the ACV has affected my enamel in the past month. I guess you can add a little baking soda to the mixture to counteract this.

Hey, Halo: If you are reading this. I would like you to give me an assignment to write about something (it can be utterly inane or creepy..I'd like that, actually!) I then in turn will give you a topic to write about. I think this gets the creative juices flowing.

I've been in a powder pink/dusty rose mood lately. I've bought 1 sweater and 2 shirts in these shades. I'm turning into a female (oh wait, I already am)...but anyways...sometimes it is fun feeling ultra-feminine and springy.

When I go to Europe my color combinations will be brown, black, black, brown and dark red...it shows dirt the least:) I'm really curious as to how many days in a row I can wear the same outfit. I've already tried this at home and managed about 3 days or so (I've bathed or course)...I'll hopefully stretch it to 4 or 5 in Europe..or maybe I won't need to.

Larry bought his plane ticket and he'll be coming overseas for two weeks in early May. We'll be seeing Tracita and Hans in Eastermar for a few days and then flying to Dublin, renting a car and exploring Southwest (and the coastal region) of Ireland. I cannot wait!!

I wrote a very loose intininerary of what countries I plan on being in during what time periods...with the way I have it worked out now I'll be unable to go to Spain, Austria or Switzerland..maybe I can squeeze those in somehow...I'm spending an entire month in the Czech Republic because I might want to move to Prague eventually to teach English but maybe that is too long to stay there...or I could make some weekend trips to Austria/Switzerland or something..anyways, I'll figure it out. I told myself I wasn't going to overplan this trip and so I need to remind myself that my written intininerary is to be just a loose outline and not set in stone.

Larry called and I totally just lost my train of thought..more later!